3 Tools You Need To Clean Up Pet Stains From Your Cement

8 October 2014
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog


Owning a dog can be a lot of fun, but your pet's poop and pee stains around your house can be a problem. Dog poop and pee stains and smells can be hard to clean up from surfaces, especially concrete. Because your cement is a hard and porous surface, you need the right type of cleaning solutions. Either of these tools will help you to remove dog stains from any cement surface.

Before continuing with these stain removal solutions you will first need to clean up any solid waste from your cement. These tools help you clean up the stains left behind and the odors they carry after you clean up the initial mess. 

Use a poop scoop and some wet rags to clean up as much of the poop and urine mess before continuing to clean out residue in the pores of your cement. This will help you effectively remove the lingering stains and odors left from your pet.

Baking Soda and a Scrub Brush

Pour water over the surface of your cement in the areas where the pet stains remain. Use enough to just get the surface wet. 

Next, sprinkle baking soda over the area that you want to clean. You need to cover the entire area with a thin layer coating of baking soda so you can work it into all the cracks and holes of your concrete.

Use a scrub brush to scrub the wet baking soda into the cement. ​Work at it until the baking soda begins to color from the stains coming up, or you can see the stains begin to lighten. 

After scrubbing at the stains for a minute or two, let the thick mixture of baking soda sit if the stains are not coming up. You may need to dribble more water over the stain site if it begins to dry. After the mixture sits for an hour you can scrub the stains again with the brush. 

Rinse the area with water and allow to dry.

Enzymatic Cleaner

Enzymes are the perfect solution to removing pet stains because they are non-toxic. An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the chemical reaction to break down bodily wastes from your pets. When the enzymes break down the wastes, they release the molecules that cause the odors and stains, allowing you to clean them up. 

You can spray an enzymatic cleaner onto your cement, then let it sit for a period of time, depending upon the directions on the bottle. You can find pet stain enzymatic cleaners at most pet supplies stores.

When you have unsealed concrete in your basement or your backyard, many different liquids can soak into the tiny openings of the concrete, staining and damaging it. Once you have cleaned up your concrete with these tools, you can have a cement sealer applied to the surface. An epoxy sealer will protect your concrete for up to ten years years, keeping out oil, pet stains, and anything else that leaks onto your concrete. 

(If you have any need for paving itself, contact a professional company, such as Hamilton Paving.)